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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A man kneels while gazing up at the ornate and living top of his wand. Even though he is kneeling, his energy and desire to get moving is almost palpable.

This knight is impetuous, impatient, generous, and ambitious. He is willing to go anywhere and do anything and is happiest when he has a clear goal. He is probably very popular and the type of person people like to be around. He is given to grand gestures that spring from the best intentions; for example, he'd give the coat off his back, even if it leaves him without a coat. But he can be undependable. Because he is impatient and impetuous, he can lose interest in the task at hand and run after the next shiny new challenge.

If reversed, this represents someone prone to making foolish choices, who thinks only of himself or always has to be the center of attention.

Use your intuition

  • The wand is alive and growing. What does that symbolize?
  • There is a castle in the distance. Has he come from there or is he going there?

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